Tom Corbett Photo Album Vol 1

Spaceman's Luck!
tcsalute.jpg - 10.6 KThis outstanding posed publicity photo of (left to right) Roger Manning, Tom Corbett, and Astro appeared in many different venues as a publicity and marketing aid for the show and its associated merchandise. It gives us a good look at their uniforms and utility belts, which held a communicator (center), telescope, and a pouch that seemed to hold whatever handy gadget was necessary to bail the cadets out of the problem at hand. With a final salute from Tom Corbett, we appreciate you visiting Volume 1 of the Tom Corbett Photo Album and invite you to stay tuned for Volume 2, coming up as we compile more and even rarer photos from fellow collectors.

Spaceman's Luck to you all!

- Cadet Chuck Lassen

Photo 12
Continue the Memories with Volume Two of Cadet Chuck's Tom Corbett's Photo Album

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